Between Chaos and Grace
I am not looking for the heroic beauty of the land, but rather the story behind the grandeur.
As others hurry down the trail, anxious to see what lies ahead, I amble along, considering the specific nature of trees. My slow pace allows me to look at trees enmeshed in their tangled environment, trees that have been left to themselves – trees that have succumbed or persevered.
In this close observation I see the life process played out with sometimes sublime patience or, as often, cruel force. The intimate act of photography reveals the fragile balance between dominance and acquiescence, between chaos and grace.
Addison St. Windows, Berkeley, CA (2008)
Southwestern College, San Diego, CA (2008)
The Alameda County Art Commission, Alameda County, CA
Solo Exhibitions
2008. Southwestern College, Midcareer Retrospective, San Diego, CA
Group Exhibitions
2011. Zhengzhou Museum, The American Landscape, Zhengzhou, China
2008. Addison St. Windows, Line of Questioning, with sculpture by Lori Polster, Berkeley, CA
2005. Photographic Center Northwest, Focused, Seattle, WA